Thursday, February 26, 2009

Week 8

I have really enjoyed this course a lot. It sometimes has been a challenge to get the time, but it has been worth the effort. I have appreciated the explanations and the structures that give us opportunities to figure out the different technologies at our own pace, and based on what interests us or what we could most make use of. Some things I knew already better than others, but this format of online learning took what in workshops give you an overview and give us ways to make the knowledge more personal and deeper. So, thanks, Caitlin and Matt! (Also thanks for not requiring us to sign up for Facebook:) I would recommend offering the course again and on-goingly for newbies to the system or people who missed this one. Likely even, I am going to continue my blog, as it turns out to be a great place for me to express and work out the strange and unlikely experiences of being at the public service desk. Stay tuned if you're interested...

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